privacy policy

Primavera Bled is a trademark registered in Slovenia and is owned and managed by Ksenija Solar Oražem
You may contact us by email or by phone:
Mobile: +386 (0) 40 97 50 00 – FOR URGENCIES ONLY
Data Collection
We collect email addresses from:
- People making enquiries to us
- People requesting free information and advice
We collect this information for the following purposes:
- Enable us to respond to enquiries
- Send out information and advice as requested
All the information you provide is held in the strictest confidence in our database and is not distributed to any other party, until you confirm your desire to marry in Slovenia by receipt of your deposit. At that time the details in the Personal Details section must be given to the local registrar and Church to secure the wedding date. We will immediately remove you from our database if yourselves request that in a written form.